Buckshot Roulette

An indie tabletop horror game that re-defines the infamous chance game Russian Roulette with a pump-action shotgun and several new twists.


Buckshot Roulette is an indie horror tabletop strategy game developed and published by Mike Klubnika for the PC and Linux (via itch.io) on December 28, 2023.

A redesign of the infamous real-life game Russian Roulette with a grudge horror twist, Buckshot Roulette replaces the traditional revolver with a chamber-fed pump-action shotgun while adding one-on-one mechanics (allowing the player to fire at their opponent, or to fire at themselves for an extra turn), a lives mechanic (represented as defibrillator charges), and random items.

It later received an enhanced Steam re-release by Critical Reflex on April 4, 2024, adding online leaderboards, with online multiplayer planned for a later date.