
Homeland is a Japanese-exclusive game for the Nintendo GameCube. Its main claim to fame is that it is the only non-Phantasy Star Online title in the system's library to officially support online multiplayer, although the implementation of it is different compared to most other games.


Homeland is one of the four titles for the Nintendo GameCube which officially has support for online gameplay without the use of LAN, distinctions which otherwise go to various Phantasy Star Online games entirely. Developed by Chunsoft and released exclusively in Japan, Homeland spans two discs. One is devoted entirely to single-player gameplay while the other is only for online multiplayer. Homeland's implementation of online gameplay is notable by GameCube standards since it doesn't inherently rely on developer-owned servers located elsewhere. Although such servers previously existed to match players together, in addition to that, players can host game sessions on their own GameCube consoles and directly connect to them via IP with a maximum server capacity of 35 players and one game master influencing proceedings. As such, it is therefore not an MMORPG in the conventional sense a la World of Warcraft, since the technology behind the game is meant to make many players the hosts of many smaller-scale games with only the hardware they already have, instead of the usual method of congregating numerous players across a few proprietary servers.