Ape Escape Move

The Ape Escape franchise's debut on the PS3 is a departure for the series, switching to a mostly first person on-rails game that utilizes the PlayStation Move motion controller.


The story mode of PlayStation Move Ape Escape is similar to previous iterations in the franchise; stop the time-traveling Specter from using his army of apes to take over the world. But instead of being an action platformer like the previous games, this Ape Escape is a first-person on-rails motion controlled affair. Players make their way through 15 levels, time traveling to the past and present, using a net, a slingshot, and a fan to capture all those apes. As players progress through the story, they can also unlock additional mini-games to break up the action.

The game is a PSN downloadable game in North America, but retail boxed versions exist for the rest of the worldwide markets. It was first released in Japan in December 2010, where it is known as Ape Escape Fury! Fury!, and June 22nd 2011 in Europe, where it's known as simply Ape Escape.