60 Seconds!

The bombs are about to hit and there are only 60 seconds to get ready. Then it's time to manage food, water, and sanity from inside a bunker.

60 Seconds! is primarily a two-part game: preparation and survival. In the preparation phase, the player is given sixty seconds to run around a house, collecting family members, food, water, and amenities to prepare for a long stay in an underground bunker. These items and people are randomized each playthrough, changing how the second phase plays out each time.

In the survival phase, the player and whatever family they choose to save wait out the end of the world through text-driven day-to-day stories and decisions. Healthy family members can be sent out to scavenge, while those who remain in the bunker will have to decide whether to contact the outside world, stay hidden away, and when to drink and eat in order to maximize healthiness while keeping enough supplies on hand to survive.