
Crashlands is a story-driven crafting ARPG full of sass.


Crashlands is a story-driven crafting ARPG about an interstellar courier, Flux Dabes, whose packages get stolen by an insane alien named Hewgodooko.

Crashlanded on planet Woanope, players will have to start with their bare hands and work to rebuild a comm device to get in touch with the Bureau of Shipping, secure their packages, and then send them on their way.

The game uses an infinite, self-managing inventory so players can explore without fear of overencumberance or misplacing their materials. Players can also tame all the beasts they encounter and turn them into allies to help them do battle against the evil Hewgodooko.

Across 3 biomes, 4 races, and 60+ hours of hilarious story content, players will discover more than 500 recipes and 9 additional minibosses - all of which may hold the key to getting those packages delivered and finally getting off-planet.