Super Chase H.Q.

A car combat game for the arcade and Super Nintendo platforms, part of Taito's Chase HQ series. The goal is to drive forward until reaching the criminal, and defeat them by repeatedly ramming into the back of their car.


Super Chase HQ (Super HQ Criminal Chaser in Japan) is a driving game and part of Taito's Chase HQ series of Arcade games. Specifically, it is the third Chase HQ Arcade game -- Super Chase: Criminal Termination -- released in 1992. The game uses a first-person perspective, unlike many of the home ports of Chase HQ and its sequels. As with other games in the series, the goal is to quickly catch up to a criminal and drive into them until their vehicle is too damaged to keep going.

Super Chase HQ was released for the Super Nintendo in late 1993 and on the Nintendo Game Boy in early 1994.