Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures was a Free to Play MMO being published by Sony Online Entertainment. It was based around the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars and features characters and locations from the show. The game shut down on March 31st, 2014.

Choice of Origins

Players can decide to begin Clone Wars Adventures with a Clone, Human, or a Twi'lek character, with the Human and Twi'lek characters taking on a Force-user origin while Clone characters begin as military troopers.


Although the game begins with the core cast of the Clone Wars television series telling you about their need for warriors like you on the battlefield, these battles are played out in the form of mini-games, with many of the mini-games being locked off to free users. For example, players "hone their lightsaber skills" in a game called "Lightsaber Duel," in which the player must input a specific order of four directions faster than his or her opponent to win and "prove their lightsaber talent."