Dynasty Warriors Next

The series of action games set in the era of the Three Kingdoms continues with a portable entry timed to the launch of the PlayStation Vita.


Dynasty Warriors Next is the first entry in the Dynasty Warriors series for the PlayStation Vita and was released as one of the handheld's launch titles on February 22, 2012 in North America.

Changes From Console Counterparts

Many changes were made to the game from Dynasty Warriors games on Xbox/Ps3.

  • Health Regen - The player no longer has a health bar, when the player is damaged red lightning encroaches from the corners. There are still health items that will Speed up/Instant the health regen.
  • Break Attack - This powerful attack can be used to instantly take over an area. The green bar is the gauge for Break Attacks.
  • Speed Musou Attack - As well as with normal Musou Attack the player can also do a much powerful attack if the bar is full and the player taps on the screen.
  • Sudden Encounters - Randomly the player may run into a group of enemies that will give a sudden encounter mini game. All Games are about taping the screen to block/kill/deflect arrows.
  • Guards - If the player expands their map, they can send their guards out to different points at the map.
  • Dual - In some cases the player will interact with a enemy officer in a dual, this due consists of time attacks involving swiping, tapping, and holding the screen.
  • Combined Story and Empire mode - In story mode the player is presented with a map and various options on what to do. Most levels there is only one thing to do but does allow the player to change some aspects.
  • Camera Mini Game - There is a photo mode game where the player can take pictures and use Dynasty Warrior stickers to decorate the photo.
  • Network Play - There is no online mode, but if the player is connected to wifi or 3g then there is a chance after every battle that the user will be prompted to fight a random opponent from the leaderboard.


There are card and uniform packs for each of the 5 factions (Wu,Shu,Wei,Other,Jin). These give the player alternate costumes in the theme of a Japanese high school.