
Tengami is an adventure game set in a pop-up-book, the world is stylized to look entirely made of paper.


The protagonist under the Japanese cherry tree
The protagonist under the Japanese cherry tree

Tengami is an atmospheric adventure game developed and published by Nyamyam for the PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone, and iPad. The game is set inside a pop-up-book where the world is entirely crafted of paper. The player must help the protagonist bring life back to a withering Japanese cherry tree by collecting cherry blossoms that are scattered throughout the world. The adventure is broken into three sections, each rewarding a single cherry blossom that will restore a third of the tree, the forest, the mountains and the ocean.


A land bridge unfolding, opening a new path
A land bridge unfolding, opening a new path

The player pulls and flips pieces of the pop-up-book in order to navigate the terrain and solve puzzles, opening up new paths and hidden areas. These pieces are clearly indicated by a glowing circle letting the player know which section of the book is interactive. Later on in the game the player must solve more traditional puzzles, like finding missing pieces to a machine or lighting torches to open paths. The goal is to collect the three cherry blossoms that are hidden in the three sections of the game, one cherry blossom per section.