Another Castle

Another Castle is a Kickstarter-funded platformer mixed with roguelike elements such as randomly generated levels and character persistence over multiple playthroughs. The game was canceled in July 2015.


Uncade Games' mash up of platformer & roguelike has players chasing a random item through randomly generated levels but said item is always in another castle. At the end of each playthrough, the previous item gets unlocked and can be found in the world to be used by Andy, the player's character. Another Castle reached its Kickstarter funding goal of $12,000 on March 21, 2013 with eight days remaining.

In a Kickstarter update for backers, the developer announced on July 4, 2015 that he had to cancel the game due to financial issues and the project's scope being too big. However, the developer offered refunds to all backers along with plans to provide backers with a free code of his potential next game, developed with more realistic goals and experience from this failed project.