Warau Salesman

An adventure game based on the Fujiko Fujio A manga series of the same name.


Warau Salesman is a Mega-CD exclusive adventure game based on the manga and anime of the same name created by mangaka Fujiko Fujio A (the alias of Motoo Abiko). It uses the show's art style for its animated cutscenes and includes voiced dialogue. The interface uses a simplified context-based format where the cursor will change shape to represent a possible action: a pair of eyes, for instance, would allow the player character to examine something.

The story follows the titular jovial salesman Moguro Fukuzou as he presents downtrodden clients with the means to "fill their empty souls": granting wishes that change and improve their lives. However, if the client disregards Fukuzou's strict rules or otherwise betrays his trust, the salesman turns on them and reverts them back to how they were before (or worse) and considers it karmic retribution for spurning his opportunity. His clients invariably fail in ironic fashion due to their own hubris or avarice.