Sky Haven: AR Merge Adventure

Discover the Mystery of Sky Creatures in this Puzzle Adventure

Sky Haven: AR Merge Adventure is an innovative free-to-play mobile game that combines merge mechanics, a rich story, immersive AR and a strong environmental message. The main characters of the game are mysterious creatures in the sky and the HAVEN agents who study them. The player finds themself thrust into the world of the secret HAVEN agency and its custodianship of the Sky Creatures. HAVEN’s founders have known about the creatures for some time yet the situation has changed, the creatures are emerging more than more. Why has HAVEN tried to keep them a secret, and what is happening next? The player must do their best to work with the other HAVEN agents and find out together.

Players create and level up items through merging. They explore the game world through the real world on the map, then use HAVEN tech to raise and support Sky Creatures, and study them through AR.

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