Go for it! Climb to the top of the building as a helicopter awaits! A precursor to the platformer genre, Crazy Climber was the first game revolving around climb...
Based off the popular MAD Magazine comic strip, Spy vs. Spy is said to be one of the earliest "split screen" games. Two players are pit against each other and m...
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted School House is the second game in the Freddi Fish series, showcasing the return of Freddi and her best friend, Luther.
An action-adventure RPG for the GameCube and the first Final Fantasy since VI to be released on a Nintendo Console, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles allows four...
A match-three game similar to Bejeweled, where you make matches to "catch" a certain amount of animals on a replenishing 8×8 board.
Syphon Filter 3, released on November 7th, 2001, is the third game in the Syphon Filter Series, keeping most elements from the previous games intact, while bei...
Rescue the princess and defeat the evil Dragonlord in this landmark RPG from Enix.
In Ristar, players control a star-shaped character who uses his arms to latch onto enemies and fly towards them, smashing them with his face. The gameplay is si...
The second entry in SNK's historical-fantasy fighting game series adds a variety of new fearsome warriors, advanced techniques (such as rolling, ducking, and ho...