The third game in the classic Ghosts 'n Goblins series sees the valiant knight Arthur once again embarking on a brutally difficult quest to rescue his beloved f...
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 is an enhanced re-release of the classic Super Nintendo game for the Game Boy Advance. It also includes Mario Bros. on ...
A multiplayer puzzle/strategy game where players use bombs to destroy objects, as well as each other. This TurboGrafx-16 exclusive is one of the better regarded...
Dungeon Explorer is a top-down action-adventure RPG developed by Atlus and published by Hudson Soft in 1989. Up to five players can join in the quest to recove...
This gang themed Olympics game features five tough teams competing across five different sports.
When Dr. Light receives a threat from another rogue scientist, it's up to Mega Man (now with the ability to charge his shots into powerful blasts) to put a stop...
The second update to Capcom's signature fighting game, making the gameplay significantly faster while adding new special moves for most characters.
Elevator Action is a 1983 arcade game by Taito where players control Agent 17, who is attempting to steal documents in a tall building.
Mario must use all of his abilities as well as several new power ups to rescue Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser Junior in the first Super Mario Bros. ...
MegaMan Battle Network is the first of the MegaMan Battle Network series, Where MegaMan is controlled though a cybernetic universe