The first game in the Kaizō Chōjin Shubibinman sci-fi action-platformer series, developed by Masaya for the PC Engine. Unlike its sequel, which later became S...
Famicom Wars marks Intelligent Systems' first game for the Nintendo console, and it also is the first offering of the popular, turn-based strategy series known ...
Goemon's first console game, released for the NES and MSX in Japan.
StarTropics was released by Nintendo in 1990 and introduced gamers to Mike and his quest to save his uncle.
The intrepid Captain Olimar crash-lands on a mysterious planet. With the help of strange creatures called Pikmin, Olimar must escape the planet within thirty da...
In Ogre Battle the conquered peoples of the old kingdoms live under constant persecution by the Zetegenian Empire. Take control of the rebel army and face the ...
Pikmin 2 continues the adventures of Captain Olimar as he returns to the planet he spent so long trying to escape. His mission: collect treasures to prevent his...
In this sequel to the popular arcade puzzle game, Susumu and Anna dig deep into the ground in order to prevent the world from being overrun by colored blocks.
A tile-matching puzzle-platformer set in the Mario universe. As Toad, venture into the titular woods and use bombs to stop an invasion of monsters led by the vi...
Dig dug is an arcade game released in 1982. The objective is to kill the underground monsters by either squishing them under a rock through the tunnels you cre...