
Namco's arcade game that also made it to the PlayStation. The original arcade version released in 1990 supported up to 28 players. Incredibly powerful for its time, the arcade game ran on up to 16 Namco System 21 "Polygonizer" arcade boards.

Part of the Galaxian series, this is a sequel to Galaxian and Galaga, released in 1990. Running on on multiple Namco System 21 "Polygonizer" arcade boards (anywhere from 2 to 16, depending on version), EGM described Galaxian³ as having the most visually impressive polygonal 3D graphics in any video game released up until 1992. The game was very expensive, with the scaled-down 6-player version (using 2 "Polygonizer" boards) costing $150,000 at the time (equivalent to over $250,000 today).