The eighth installment of the King of Fighters series (and the first after SNK's bankruptcy), radically changing the traditional 3-on-3 team system to allow any...
A demon overlord who's soul is bound to a book tries to restore his lost powers in this comedy JRPG.
Summer Heat Beach Volleyball is a PlayStation 2 exclusive volleyball game.
Another set of classic Capcom games for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a first-person shoooter developed and published by Novalogic, based on the same events portrayed in the novel and film "Black Ha...
The semi-sequel to the 1982 sci-fi horror film.
Worms 3D is the first game in the popular Worms series developed by Team17 to feature fully 3-dimensional graphics.
A third-person hack and slash game featuring Conan the Barbarian only released in Europe.